Educational Resources

Welcome to our learning centre, created to enrich your digital literacy and fortifying your online safety expertise. We have curated a wealth of educational resources designed for educators, parents, students and other internet users. This information can be searched by topic or categories like cybercrime, audience or subject like children 6-12 and content types like lesson plans or background reading. Beyond what is already available, we will be developing new content to fill some of the important education resources gaps identified so check back regularly for new information.

Educational Resource Categories

For an easy frame of reference, we have defined the content categories to help refine your search needs while also outlining the biggest dangers online.

Cyberbullying and harassment

Cyberbullying and harassment involve using digital tools and online platforms to hurt, threaten, or intimidate others. It takes various harmful forms, including what is known as flaming, exclusion, outing, doxxing, trolling, catfishing, impersonation, cyberstalking, name-calling, and online shaming.

Cybercrimes and scams

This is a crucial aspect of online safety in Africa and globally. Cybercrimes and scams are like digital tricks and illegal activities on the internet. Cybercriminals use computers and the web to steal money, personal information, or spread harmful software. Scams are like online deceptions where people pretend to be something they're not, like fake emails asking for your bank details. 


Cybersecurity is like a shield for your digital life. It involves protecting your computers, devices, and online activities from hackers and bad actors.  It involves using tools, practices, and strategies to keep your data and information safe. Whether you're browsing the web, shopping online, or using social media, cybersecurity helps ensure your secure and your personal information remains private.

Extremism/Terrorism and recruitment

Online Extremism/Terrorism and Recruitment refers to the utilisation of internet platforms, social media, and digital spaces by extremist groups and individuals to promote radical ideologies, plan acts of violence, and recruit followers. Recruiters target vulnerable individuals, often using persuasive tactics, to indoctrinate and persuade them to engage in violent actions or support extremist causes.

Fake news and mis/dis information

Fake news and misinformation are global issues, but they are particularly problematic in Africa due to their potential impact on political stability, public health, and social cohesion. Dissemination of false information through social media platforms can lead to confusion, unrest, and even violence in some cases.

General online safety and digital responsibility

General online safety and digital responsibility are all about staying secure and respectful in the digital world. Digital responsibility also involves treating others kindly, being mindful of what you post online, and respecting people's privacy. Whether you're browsing, shopping, or socializing online, these principles help protect you and create a positive digital environment for everyone.

Hate speech

Hate speech refers to expressions that insult, threaten, or incite violence or prejudicial actions against a person or a group based on attributes such as race, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, or gender. Hate speech can take many forms, including written, spoken, or symbolic expressions.

Sexual exploitation

Online sexual exploitation is a deeply troubling and illegal activity that occurs on the internet. It involves the use of digital platforms to exploit, manipulate, or harm individuals, often for sexual purposes. This exploitation can target both adults and minors and takes various forms, including child exploitation, non-consensual sharing of intimate content (revenge porn), sextortion, and online grooming. Perpetrators may use coercion, deception, or blackmail to engage in explicit activities, distribute explicit content, or force victims into compromising situations. Online sexual exploitation is a serious violation of privacy, consent, and legal boundaries, with severe consequences for both victims and perpetrators.

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